The 5 Levels of Leadership 🎮

Hope you aren't stuck at level 1...

Tuesday March 26th

Welcome to the newsletter where we help you reach your FULL potential in mindset, leadership, and communication. Whether you are a friend, customer, or on a mission to grow - I am glad you are here.

Today’s Agenda is simple:

  1. Welcome Kendall in Kentucky to Patriot Pay Team

  2. John Maxwell’s 5 Levels of Leadership

Let’s get it!

Patriot Pay
Welcome Kendall in Kentucky

I am excited to share that Patriot Pay is in rapid growth mode. We have officially launched our Patriot Pay Ambassador program, an invite-only referral/affiliate opportunity.

This week I’d like to welcome social media icon Kendall Bailey to the team. You might know her as Kendall in Kentucky on Instagram. She is Co-Founder of Pretty Little Patriot, a conservative women’s fashion line. We are blessed and thrilled to have Kendall on our team at Patriot Pay!

5 Levels of Leadership

Why do people follow you? Really think about it.

FACTS: According to McKinsey, 75% of American employees say dealing with their manager is the most stressful part of their workday. Additionally, 56% of them say their supervisor is either moderately or extremely toxic.

It’s important to always reflect to ensure our bad habits as leaders don’t make us part of that statistic.

John Maxwell’s 5 Levels of Leadership book is a great tool for reflecting on your leadership growth journey. Each level corresponds with a particular action that results in followers. 

Lets dive into each level…

Level 1: Position

The hard truth…people follow you because they have to. Everyone starts here, some stay here. People are following you because of the chain of command. Nothing more, nothing less.

Level 2: Permission

Congrats, you are growing. Now people follow you because they want to! You are leading by example, building relationships, and as a result people kinda DIG you.

Level 3: Production

Look at you! You are seen as a producer. People want to follow you because you are making a difference in the business and getting results.

Level 4: People Development

Wait. What! You are crushing it. Now your phone is ringing off the hook. There is a line out the door. You are getting bribed with coffee from people clamoring to get just a bit of your time to pick your brain. Why? You make people bigger, better, and brighter. You are a people developer.

Level 5: Pinnacle

Sensei, Master Jedi, what ever you go by now - you are a big deal. Well it’s not you per se, it’s what you stand for. Your are known as someone who stands for something bigger than yourself. You have purpose and you inspire others to want to make a difference too!

When I think of Pinnacle leader I think of Elon Musk. He took a massive gamble buying Twitter and rebranded it as X. Why? He wanted to show the world that free-speech is a human right. In a world of fake news, misinformation, and main stream media driven narratives - he gave the average person like you and me a voice!

TAKEAWAY: Challenge yourself and reflect on why people follow you. I am not saying the goal is to be Elon Musk. You can be a combination of all the levels. The goal is just to be honest with yourself and not get stuck at level 1. I am suggesting that each of us should stand for something that makes a difference in our community. Do good. People will follow you!

Thanks for letting me speak into your life, leadership, and growth.

Have a GREAT week!
