Embrace AI = This is the way ✨

Tips to grow your business dropping in

This is the Way

In a galaxy not so far far away, you wanna close deals without putting pressure on your prospect? Holster your blaster Padawan, I’ve got a Jedi Mind Trick for you.

Try swapping
"Are you ready to move forward today?"
"Would you be opposed to moving forward today?" 🚀

This a no-based question which is POWERFUL - here’s why

Benefit #1: Autonomy & Control 🎮

The primary advantage of this approach lies in the way people perceive the question. When presented with “would you be opposed to moving forward today?”, individuals feel a sense of autonomy and control. Saying "no" doesn't reject an offer; instead, it affirms their right to make decisions on their terms. Remember sales is a power game.

Benefit #2: Opens Up Dialogue 🗣️

The goal of a sales discovery call is to get info from your prospect. But most prospects don’t want to open up - that’s called sales resistance. By asking a “no” based question, the prospect has to stop, think, and respond. This will give you the opportunity to gain more information to ask clarifying questions. Sales is all about asking questions that get the prospect to open up and spill the beans.

This is you feeling the force and closing deals

Takeaway: In the world of sales, language matters. The psychology behind the questions you pose can influence the entire trajectory of a conversation. By adopting the "Would you be opposed to moving forward today?" approach, you're not just asking a question – you're creating a space where prospects feel empowered. Harness the power of permission and watch how it transforms your sales interactions.

P.S. May the Force be with you. I'll take my 10% bounty in credits 😉🌠

Artificial Intelligence Productivity
2077 AD: Your AI Toolbox

It's the year 2077. You hurriedly step out the door, ready to hop into your Cybertruck and kickstart the workday.

Your personal A.I. companion, Cortana, pings you via Neuralink:

🤖 "Good morning. I've fine-tuned your AI toolbox for peak productivity today."

As your Cybertruck autonomously cruises to the office, you engage in a conversation with Cortana about the toolkit enhancements. Today is buzzing with activity because you hold the reins as the CEO of the colossal global tech empire: MegaMegaCorp. You're not just surviving; you're thriving!

During the commute, Cortana prompts a reflection on what's referred to as "The Forgotten." These unfortunate individuals missed the boat on integrating A.I. into their daily lives in 2024 - and they’ve paid the price. Struggling to secure employment, they've forged a makeshift barter-based economy to meet basic needs.

The Forgotten

Yet, you can't help but feel an immense gratitude when recalling January 22, 2024, the day the Tip Drop delivered the toolbox that empowered you to embrace A.I. forever.

"Cortana, bring up that A.I. toolkit list that paved the way for my success."

🤖 "Certainly... here it is — the roster of A.I. tools that propelled you ahead of the rest of civilization."

DR. DEREK 101: Leadership Performance
The Accidental Diminisher Dilemma

This could be you. Yikes.

Are you a Diminisher or Multiplier? 🤔

Hang with me a sec…this really matters!

According to the book "Multipliers" by Liz Wiseman, Diminishers get half the results, while Multipliers nearly 2x them. Big deal, right? Here’s a little breakdown:

Hate to burst your bubble but…if you have a pulse you are an accidental diminisher. You mean well, but you have tendencies that unintentionally shut down those around you.

Accidental Diminisher Behaviors to watch out for:

  1. Idea Fountain: Overflowing ideas overwhelm. Too many ideas.

  2. Always On: No room for others - you take over the room. You think you’re sunshine, but to others you are sun burn.

  3. Rescuer: Over-helping leads to dependence. You don’t let others wrestle through the learning process.

  4. Pacesetter: High standards, but others give up. Your goal post is impossible in the eyes of others.

  5. Rapid Responder: Quick moves, too many changes. People get lose with all the changes because you don’t explain the why behind the what.

  6. Optimist: Extreme optimism, unsure outcomes. Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade, but it’s always a rose to you. I call BS!

  7. Protector: Safety efforts hinder independence. You put out fires, but now you are a firefighter…

  8. Strategist: Paints the future, team questions. You are all talk, no follow through. As George R.R. Martin would say, “Your words are wind.”

  9. Perfectionist: Criticism stifles effort. It’s just the way you say it. Zero curiosity, only constant critique.

But here’s the good news…

To become a Multiplier and kick your accidental diminishing tendencies to the curb, try the following things:

  1. Ask open ended hard questions that make people think about the answer - don’t just give your answer like an undisciplined child.

  2. Think about assisting people rather than taking over like a 🐂 in a China shop.

  3. Rather than making every decision, give your team 51% of the vote!

  4. Don’t expect perfection, leave room for mistakes - No failures, only findings. No losses, only lessons. 🎤

  5. Stop hiring based off smarts, look for potential: curiosity, accountability, humility, and charm.

Takeaway: When you work with others do you make them feel recharged 🔋 or depleted 🪫. Don’t worry we all have a little diminisher in us. Take this quiz to see what you need to work on. Then hit reply and let me know what help you need 🙂 

See you next week!
