How to Handle a Rude Person like a Pro

Don't be reactive, be responsive


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Given the election cycle and debates, the termperature is SKY HIGH right now on division, arguing, and personal attacks.

I want to talk today how to handle rude people like a pro….

PLEASE NOTE: The video below has some colorful language NOT for little ears. The reality is most rude people use crude language that triggers us to respond. Given this truth, I believe these examples are crude but realistically effective.

…How to Handle Rude People like a Pro

As an entrepreneur, dealing with difficult people is inevitable, whether it's in leadership, business negotiations, or everyday encounters. Instead of letting insults get under your skin, you can actually use them to elevate your status and make the other person rethink their approach. Let’s dive into a strategy that not only helps you maintain your composure but also turns the tables on anyone trying to undermine you.

1. The Power of a High-Status Response

When someone insults you, the natural reaction is to defend yourself. But instead of responding to the insult directly, a high-status approach is to show that the person—and their insult—simply isn’t significant enough to bother you. By doing this, you instantly raise your status and diminish the impact of their words without needing to address the insult head-on.

For example, if someone tries to put you down in a meeting or in public, instead of getting defensive, you can smile and say something like, “I hadn’t noticed,” or “Oh, are you still talking?” This subtle shift shows that their words don’t matter to you, which can leave them looking petty or unimportant.

This technique not only helps you maintain your cool but can also win over those watching, leaving you in control of the narrative. It’s about staying composed and using charisma to dismantle the negativity aimed at you.

2. Accept the Insult and Flip It

One of the most effective ways to disarm a rude remark is to embrace it and turn it against the insulter. Instead of denying or disputing the insult, accept it fully and then reframe it in a way that makes the other person look foolish. This strategy catches the insulter off guard, and they often regret their words.

For example, if someone mocks your work ethic by saying, “You’re such a workaholic,” you could respond, “Absolutely, and that's why my business is thriving.” By owning the comment, you not only take away their power but also make them rethink their attack.

3. Insult the Insult, Not the Person

If you want to diffuse the insult without making personal enemies, focus on the insult itself rather than the individual. This allows you to respond sharply without coming across as offensive. It’s a smart move, especially when you need to win over a crowd or avoid unnecessary conflicts.

For instance, if someone comments, “That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard,” you could reply, “Well, maybe you need to hear better ideas more often.” You’ve insulted the insult, not the person, making them appear foolish for even bringing it up.

4. Set a Boundary

If the insult crosses a line and you don’t want to engage in back-and-forth banter, drawing a clear boundary is another option. This involves directly addressing the insult and then calmly shifting attention away from the offender. Bullies thrive on attention, and denying them that spotlight can be the most infuriating response.

For example, you might say, “That comment was out of line, let’s refocus on the task at hand.” By standing your ground without engaging in a battle of words, you show authority and professionalism, which is crucial in maintaining leadership respect.

5. Respond with Witty Banter

Not every insult is meant to offend. Sometimes it’s an opportunity for playful banter. If you’re not actually offended, you can throw the insult back in a lighthearted way, showing that you’re in control and can keep things fun.

If someone jokes, “You’re always late to meetings,” you could respond with, “I like to make an entrance.” This witty comeback keeps the mood light, allowing you to keep rapport without letting the insult land.

6. Show You’re Unaffected

Sometimes, the best response is no response at all. By remaining unaffected, you can demonstrate high confidence and likability. In fact, not reacting can often speak louder than any comeback.

For instance, if someone sarcastically asks, “Do you even know what you’re doing?” you can playfully respond as if they’re asking a serious question: “I do, actually—let me show you.” By turning a rhetorical insult into a literal question, you maintain control while making it clear that their insult doesn’t faze you.


TAKEAWAY: Entrepreneurs who can handle rude remarks with grace and wit always come out on top. Whether you're leading a team or negotiating a deal, these strategies can help you maintain your composure, win over an audience, and show your true strength as a leader.

MEGA TAKEWAY: Dont take the bait from rude people. Instead, arm yourself with term and wit. Have fun with it. See it as a game and not an insult. Use INTELLIGENCE as to not be reactive but responsive….theres a HUGE difference.

That’s a wrap
…see ya next week

Have a great rest of the week 🙂 
