I'm Done...

This will be my last Tip Drop 😔


I had to. Just had to.

Welcome to the newsletter where we help you reach your FULL potential in mindset, leadership, and communication.

Whether you are a friend, customer, or on a mission to grow - I am glad you are here.

Today’s newsletter is simple: We’ll talk about why sales gurus SUCK (except one)

Let’s get it!

Sales Gurus SUCK

I’ve literally worked in this environment. They have it all wrong.

Sales people kinda suck.

There I said it - and I am in sales!

Why? 👉 No one trusts em.

According to HubSpot Research, only 3% of people consider salespeople to be trustworthy.

I attribute a lot of this to SALES GURUS on social media.

They drive me mad.

On the surface they are confident, fast talking, ripped, high intensity sales gurus but they are all perpetuating toxic distrust in the industry.

That was until I came across Jeremy Miner

His approach is one I encourage EVERYONE to adopt.
Here’s why

See below - this is the approach the “sales gurus” use.
Makes me want to 🤮

BTW your prospect knows you want to close them and this OLD approach below will KILL your sales.

Old approach loser salesmen use

Here is Jeremy’s approach

Approach that WILL get you results

Jeremy teaches a calm, cool, and collected approach to CONNECT with a prospect.

But DEREK does it work?

100%. I’ve used it in multiple high-stress sales industries across the globe - closed A LOT of deals, and made some good $ too. I wont share $ or # because I like to make moves in silence. Not here to brag. Just trust me.

Why Does It Work

  1. Communicates that you want to understand and connect with a prospect.

  2. Minimizes sales resistance.

  3. Differentiates your sales approach from all the other high-pressure sales dorks.

  4. Puts the control in the hands of the customer.

Yea I know. This is kinda crazy. BUT TRUST ME.

In our digital world of Google and Chat GPT - your prospect probably knows more than you do about your product and competitor.

So stop over thinking it. Every other sales dork is spewing facts, benefits, and features.

Be the sales pro that is DIFFERENT. Build a relationship. Show that you aren’t starving for a sale (like your competitors).

If you’ve read this far then you are BUILT DIFFERENT. So SELL DIFFERENT.

TAKEAWAY: I encourage you to stop listening to sales guru dorks. You need a detox. Instead, follow Jeremy Miner and learn from him. No I am not being paid to say this - I just know it works. Don’t sell, instead CONNECT. Take a deep breath and just be yourself.

Thanks for letting me speak into your life, leadership, and growth.

Have a GREAT week!
