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  • 👨 Jordan Peterson on the Impact of Fathers

👨 Jordan Peterson on the Impact of Fathers

...don't be a baby daddy. Be a father

Friday May 10th - Special Edition

Welcome to the newsletter where we help you reach your FULL potential in mindset, leadership, and communication. Whether you are a friend, customer, or on a mission to grow - I am glad you are here.

Today’s Topics

  1. Work Life Balance with Jordan Peterson

  2. Kyle Rittenhouse

  3. More A.I. news

Work/Life Balance
with Jordan Peterson

This is for the dads out there…

Balancing work and family life is HARD. I haven’t quite figured it out. YET.

It’s a work in progress…

It’s easy to be completely consumed by work as a means towards income, status, and living a better life.

But kids don’t understand this. They don’t understand the importance of work.

We work tirelessly to provide for our family and at times that comes at the cost of being present.

I am reminded of a quote by T.D. Jakes: “It’s not what you leave TO your kids, it’s what you leave IN them.”

Couple that quote with the statistics from Jordan Peterson and you can realize that kids really need us to be present, in their life, and interested in THEM.

Just a little reminder to all us dads that we need to always do better for our kids :)

Patriot Ventures News
with Kyle Rittenhouse

This past weekend I hosted Kyle Rittenhouse.

It was great getting 1 on 1 time with him. I learned so much about his story, what he’s been through, and the truth the woke mainstream media doesn’t share.

Kyle has joined Patriot Ventures (formerly Patriot Pay) as an Ambassador. Together we are helping guns and ammo retailers ditch Stripe/Square and move to Patriot Ventures.

Spending time with Kyle speaks truth to the adage: You dont know someone until you know their story.

Everyone has moments in their life they wish they could take back. Even myself. It’s time we give people grace and get to know them for who they really are.

This is not Kyle

THIS is Kyle

A 21 year old young man. Who loves dogs, training kids how to swim, and also shooting his guns 🙂 He has a big heart and wants to help people.

Kyle playing with my kiddos

Takeaway: You don’t know someone until you know their story. Remember that!

A.I. News
what A.I. time to be alive…

I promised I would make this newsletter about TIPS and TRENDS to keep you and your business FUTURE PROOF.

A.I. is on 🔥 right now and I’ve rounded up some cool nuggets of knowledge for you to impress your friends with this weekend 😉 

Google is ALL in on Gemini

Open AI releases Chat GPT-4o

Meta is reportedly working on camera-equipped AI earphones

HER is not just a sci-fi movie anymore

- Meta, formerly Facebook, is developing "Camerabuds" - earphones with AI and cameras.
- CEO Mark Zuckerberg is keen on the project, exploring design concepts.
- The aim is to revolutionize wearable tech with real-time object ID and translation.
- Challenges include potential camera obstructions and privacy concerns.
- Similar initiatives are underway in the tech industry, reflecting a trend towards AI integration in daily life.

TAKEAWAY: Stay up to date on AI. This is the future. If you do not keep up to speed you will be left in the dust ☹️ Trust me. It’s a lot of work to learn it but this is how you future-proof both your skillset and business.

Thanks for letting me speak into your life, leadership, and growth.

Have a GREAT week!

Derek Matthews
Character Quest Co-Founder
Patriot Pay CEO