🦁 🦦 🦫 🐕 - Which one are you?

HAPPY MONDAY Welcome to the newsletter designed to help you reach your full potential!

Last week I had the privilege to speak at the ODDBALL conference in Orlando. I met 200 savvy entrepreneurs who are on a mission to grow their business. Had a blast!

Sadly I didn’t see Mickey Mouse ☹️ 

I’ve been cooking up some cool tips this week.
Let’s dive right in 👇

💭 Leadership
Lion, Otter, Beaver, Golden Retriever

All the Otters and Goldens are behind the camera

If you’ve worked with Character Quest in the past
Then these emojis mean something to you
🦁 🦦 🦫 🐕
LOBG is a simple yet powerful personality assessment designed to create self-awareness of yourself and others.


  • Selfawareness

  • Better team communication

  • Understand strengths and weaknesses

  • Connect with your team better


The word TEAM is defined as: a group of individuals working together to accomplish a task with a shared sense of purpose.
The word INDIVIDUALS is key.
We are all different and bring unique strength and perspective to the table.

ACTION: Look at the chart below. There are 4 boxes. L, O, B, and G
Which box describes you best?

Here is your personality:
🦁 Lions: Take charge and set direction
🦦 Otters: Creative and fun loving change makers
🦫 Beavers: Guardians of process, stability, and order.
🐕 Golden Retrievers: Loyal and love to help people shine!

Personalities give teams an understanding of what STRENGTHS everyone brings to the table.

Here’s the interesting part…

If you think about the things we LOVE and LOATHE about each personality type - it’s the same thing.

❤️ Take charge and give direction
👎 Take over and stress everyone out

❤️ Make work fun and bring creative ideas
👎 Have too much fun and get distracted

❤️ Follow the rules, directions, and instructions
👎 Paralysis by analysis

Golden Retriever
❤️ Focus on the betterment of the team and group connection
👎 Too loyal and lose sense of purpose

A few thoughts here:

#1 Our strength pushed to an extreme is our weakness

Any great aspect of our personality can be unproductive if we don’t exercise self-awareness and self-control. Too much of our greatest qualities, can become our weakness.

#2 Am I sunshine or sunburn?

When you walk in a room, do you charge people up, or wear them out. Otters for example are FUN, but if they tell joke after joke, they become distracting. They also wear everyone out. I’m an otter so I know this too well.

#3 Am I in my strength zone or extreme zone?

You should constantly be asking yourself this question. When we get stressed, it’s easy to justify being in our extreme zone. I have a lot of lion in me, and when I get stressed I justify being too task focused with others. This can wear out a golden or otter since they are more people focused.

There is so much more to this but I wanted to give you a taste of LOBGR. More to come in future weeks.

TAKEAWAY: Get to know yourself better. You bring a lot of awesome to the table. But - you need to have self control if you want to reach your full leadership potential.

Identify your animal/personality
Think about the times your strengths are pushed to an extreme
Ask yourself more often: Am I in my strength zone or my extreme zone?

🚀 Personal Brand
Walk It. Don’t Talk It

This elite gymnast goes to calisthenic parks dressed as a nerd
Acting like he doesn’t know a lick about athletics

He toys with people for a few minutes looking like a rookie
Then drops the prank and performs

If you watch his videos you see a common theme
Everyone is SURPRISED.

What’s the point?

Impressive people don’t talk it.
They walk it.

Let your skills, accomplishments, and accolades be a surprise to people.

You’ve most likely met a person that wastes no time to tell you:
How much they make
How successful they are
So on and so forth

Instead - Let the awesome parts of your personal brand surprise people. Nothing is more distasteful that a person in conversation that starts every sentence with I, Me, My, Mine. Be humble enough to let that wait.

Walk it. Don’t talk it.


Takeaway: Let your actions impress people, not your words. Make moves in silence. Surprise people with your greatness. Build your personal brand with the following:

Actions speak louder than words
Be humble with your accomplishments
Be open to learning from others
Keep your accomplishments to yourself more often

As I always say, words are wind. Actions are everything.

🚀 Derek’s List
5 Things You Should Check Out

Never knew a desk could be so sexy

I love sharing cool things I find that help me learn, grow, perform, and achieve. Here’s what’s been on my mind lately:

Zapier (Productivity)
This service is a gamer changer to automate workflow in minutes.
Work smarter than harder.
This tool is saving me 1 hour per day of manual data entry.
Try it out.

Unmonk (Organization)
Nothing is better than a CLEAN and ORGANIZED office.
I know I am an 🦦otter and am terrible at organization.
With the Unmonk Gather collection I will make ANY beaver jealous of my organization 🙂 

Otter ai (AI Assistant)
I’ve added Otter to my workflow.
Click a button and Otter records, transcribes, and summarizes any meeting.
I like this because I can be FULLY present with a prospect.
Highly recommend this tool!

TBOY Podcast (Learning)
For the past 2 years every morning I listen to this pod.
It’s a 20 minute daily pop-biz podcast.
3 stories about the markets and business takeaways
It’s also VERY entertaining.
Add this to your daily pod ritual. Let me know what you think.

Dot Bracelet (Networking)
I HATE business cards.
They are clunky and old fashion
You only have a few seconds to make a first impression
Everyone hands out business cards - BE DIFFERENT
With a quick phone tap this bracelet shares all your links and contact info.
It’ll send the impression that you are organized and easy to do business with.
In a world full of business cards - wear a bracelet 😂

I hope you enjoyed this week’s TIP DROP. I really enjoy writing these for you!

Do me a favor - Forward this newsletter to your team.

This is a great way to grow your people and start conversations in the office.

See you next week!
