Stanleys, AI, and Silence - OH MY! 🤖

Stanleys, AI, and Silence - OH MY! 🤖

Comin’ at ya with some truth bombs to grow your business.

Take a look at these 3 stories I wrote just for you…

The Stanley Quencher Effect: Simplifying Innovation for Business Growth

This past Christmas 🎄 my wife gifted her mom a Stanley Quencher. This sparked my curiosity, so I dove into the backstory of this seemingly ordinary water bottle turned cultural phenomenon among millennials 🥤.

Stanley, established by William Stanley in 1913, initially stuck to a limited Quencher color palette for a century. In 2020, they introduced a spectrum of colors, expanding from four to an impressive two dozen. The result? Quadrupled sales and a newfound status as the go-to accessory for influencers, moms, and trend-conscious individuals.

Takeaway: Innovation doesn't always require grand, complex strategies. The Stanley Quencher's success demonstrates the power of simplicity. Applying Occam's Razor, a problem-solving principle dating back to the 14th century, suggests that keeping it simple can yield remarkable results. As you think of ways to grow your business, consider making small, impactful changes. The solution to propelling your business to new heights might be simpler than you think. Embrace the power of simplicity and watch your business thrive.

Microsoft's Keyboard Upgrade: AI is your friend!

Microsoft just dropped a bomb – they're adding a dedicated button for their Copilot AI assistant to Windows keyboards. 🤖 There is a paywall to use all features - but that shouldn’t surprise any of us.

The QWERTY keyboard as we know it hasn’t changed for nearly 30 years…so this is a big deal. ⌨️

Why does it matter? Well, it's a clear signal that AI is the future, and every entrepreneur needs to hop on board. With this change, Microsoft is saying, "Hey, AI isn't just a buzzword; it's the future.” 🚀

Takeaway: With even Microsoft fully embracing AI, entrepreneurs must jump on the bandwagon now. It's a pivotal moment akin to the internet's birth, and utilizing AI tools is essential for staying ahead and future-proofing your business. From lead-gen to email writing, AI has solutions. Check out this list of 100 AI tools to get started immediately. Microsoft's move is a wake-up call – embrace AI now or risk falling behind. The future is here, and AI is your business ally.

Mastering Silence: Talk Less, Win Big

People always ask me, "Derek, what book should I read to grow my business?” I typically recommend The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green. It has 48 bite-sized strategies from history's big power players. Fun fact: it's so good it's banned in prisons! (🎶Alexa, play Akon - Locked Up🎶).

Let's talk about Law #4: Always Say Less Than Necessary. Long story short, saying too much can make you sound desperate or out of control. Slow down, keep it chill, and let's dive into the 4 principles of this law:

1. The Power of Silence: Playing the power game? Silence can add a bit of mystery and control your story. Just don't be creepy, okay? Take a breather, let your listeners think. Some thinkers need thinking time and tid-bits of silence is key.

2. Short Answers, Big Impact: Quick responses mixed with silence can make others spill their inner thoughts. Stop being too chatty and start asking questions. It's like magic, and it makes you look confident and in control.

3. Less is More: Saying less makes what you do say sound more profound. Keeping it short, 'cause, you know, less is more ;-)

4. Avoiding Foolishness: Don't want to say something dumb? Speak less. History's full of folks who paid the price for being too talkative, like Russian rebel Ryleyev. Google it. I'm trying to keep it short here.

Takeaway: Take a cue from King Louis XIV. Being brief and throwing in some silence helped him stay in power. In business, spill just enough to keep 'em guessing, but not too much to risk your game. The main take away here is: A person who cannot control his own words and tongue shows that he cannot control himself, and is unworthy of respect 🎤

In a world drowning in info, saying less is your secret weapon. Embrace the art of keeping it short, and see how it amps up your influence. 🚀💬


Stanleys, AI, and Silence, OH MY. Today we covered quite a bit and my hope is that you have fresh perspective on new ways to look at growing yourself and business. I love pouring into your success.

ACTION: Share this email with an entrepreneur you know and care about!

See you next time,
