Who's VIP to you? 🏆

Happy Monday!

Welcome to the newsletter where we help you reach your FULL potential in mindset, leadership, and communication. Here I will share my experiences, and information I am consuming, with little takeaways you can apply.

To set up today’s newsletter I want to share a couple quotes:

"The audience comes last. I'm not making it for them, I'm making it for me. It turns out that when you truly make something for yourself, you're doing the best thing you possibly can for the audience." - Rick Rubin (Co-Founder of Def Jam Records)

ok…so hear me out. Yes I write these for your growth. But I’ve be inspired by this quote recently and last week’s concept of NICHE. When I write things that are on my mind, it’s more authentic.

Today I am taking a leap of vulnerability and talking about POLITICS.

Before you roll your eyes 🙄 and click unsubscribe - WAIT

“The mark of an intelligent mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it” - Aristotle

With that said - Come along for the ride today because there are some nuggets of wisdom I can’t help but share with you.

This is ME. Take it or leave it.

Servant Leadership
Who’s VIP to you?

Kari Lake candidate for US Senate (Arizona)

For years I have felt a calling to get involved in politics. Yet, the past year I have felt a deep sense of guilt. I was all talk but no walk…

What message am I sending to my kids if I sit back and complain about the state of the world without taking any action?

So I started getting involved in my community, one conversation at a time, with a heart to give.

In March I was invited to join the Kari Lake for US Senate campaign team to build from scratch and Chair the Dad’s for Kari coalition.

I am working with Kari and her team to host networking events around AZ where dads can gather to stay informed, lead their family, and make Arizona GREAT!

Last Thursday I worked the Kari Lake Rally to Win the West in Cave Creek, AZ. I was tasked with coordinating VIP parking for those who purchased VIP tickets. These were politicians, security, high-profile people, and die-hard patriots. I had to redirect non-VIP guests to the lot - where I parked hahaha.

That was until an elderly lady pulled up…

Me: Hi ma’am. Can I please see your VIP ticket?
Her: I don’t have one. Can I please park here. I can’t walk well. I am here to volunteer.

Ok…this lady is pulling a fast one on me. I need to stand my ground firm. But then a little voice (probably the Big Guy - Jesus, not Joe Biden) told me to let it slide.

Me: No problem ma’am, I will squeeze you in.

About 5 minutes later I see the elderly lady literally dragging her walker through the gravel parking lot struggling inch by inch to get into the venue.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of humility, sorrow, and sadness. I made the executive decision to ditch my role…SAY WHAT? In that moment it was more important to help this lady than tend to the VIPs.

It took me 15-20 minutes to help her get 100 yards.

My brain: What about the VIP lot? Oh no. I bet it’s a mess now. I’m not doing my job.

I turned the corner and the campaign team was standing there with welcoming smiles, hugs, and enthusiasm to make this lady feel special and loved.

Kind of a weird story to share but it taught me a few things:

Who’s VIP to you?

Who do you give VIP treatment to? It is easy to get caught up in making time for people that can offer us status and opportunity. This situation taught me that everyone is important in the eyes of God. As leaders, we need to set an example and treat all people as important.

Let’s take it back to the workplace. Be the leader who treats the intern with the same respect as the CEO. Be the person who makes everyone you encounter feel like they are VIP. You have NO idea how impactful that can be.

Everyone Wants to Belong

People want to be part of a tribe. As leaders we need to capitalize on that desire and let people know they belong. As I was helping the elderly lady walk she was telling me how excited she was to help volunteer. I could sense this was a massive challenge for her to even travel to the rally. But she was there. Why? BELONGING.

When you look into the eyes of those you work with, understand they want to belong. Make them feel welcomed, appreciated, and LOVED.

Never Get Too Big for Your Britches

As you continue to build your future success, don’t forget to be present and help others. It’s important to slow down in life. Use your situational awareness and see who might need a little help. We often get too busy and self-centered. This leads to selfish thinking and ego inflation.

Takeaway: So let me ask - Who do you give VIP treatment to? Are you the person who makes everyone feel VIP when you are around? I encourage you to look around and make others feel important. It can be hard since we are so busy, but every day is an opportunity to make someone feel special!

P.S. Dads - get involved in your community.

Don’t have time? Make it
Don’t like politics? Think of your kid’s future
Don’t know where to start? I can help 🙂 Click the button below

This is a 1776 moment, and we need your gifts and leadership for a better future.

Derek’s Hot List
The Chosen

📺The Chosen: I will be the first to admit I struggle to consistently read the Bible. I am a die hard believer, I just struggle with consistency. This past week my wife sat me down to watch The Chosen. I was expecting bad acting and cringe writing. I was wrong…

The Chosen is LEGIT. It’s a series about this humble carpenter from the Middle East who 2000 years ago changed the world forever.

He literally split time in half - BC vs AD.

He is a pretty big deal 😜

He went by Jesus Christ and has more followers than the Kardashians, Taylor Swift, and every other influencer combined.

I highly encourage you to check this series out on Netflix and get ready for goosebumps.

Great acting, entertaining, and truly breathes LIFE into the best selling book of all time: The Bible

Check it out on Netflix and Prime.

It has me more inspired to read the Word. Hope it does the same for you!

Ok. Good. I didn’t lose you. Whew.

Thanks for reading 🙂 

Let me know what’s on your plate and what I can write to help 🙂 

Have a GREAT week!
